Monday, January 11, 2010

Blessed Assurance

Church was awesome yesterday!! I am thankful for Fielder Road Baptist Church and how God is growing me there. Yesterday I thought about a few things while at church.

For those that don't know Navarro College did not have me come back this semester. So that leaves me vastly underemployed with teaching 2 classes at Hill College and my ad change job. Both of these jobs are not nearly enough to cover the rent and everything else. On top of that I do not get a check from Hill College again until the end of February. So yep don't even know how I am paying the rent for February and all that other fun stuff. But you know what God has me right where He wants me. I have been in this position before. I am applying for jobs and still doing what God puts in front of me. And I am trusting God. I was in this position in August and September.

What God was reminding me of yesterday was how He loves us no matter what we go through. In the good times and in the bad His love never changes. This song made me think of God's love. We sang it in Sunday school and also in the 11:00 service

He is jealous for me
Loves like a hurricane
I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy
When all of a sudden I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by Glory
And I realize just how beautiful you are and how great your affections are for me

And then Blessed Assurance reminded me too. We played that in the 9:30 service yesterday (and Lord help everyone's ears with my clarinet playing lol). So you know what I am choosing to trust God. It is not easy at times, but you can choose. You can choose to either sit and fret or to trust God.

Here is a video from Avalon. I love their version of Blessed Assurance :)

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