Sunday, November 5, 2017

Thankfulness Day 5

Today I am thankful for true friends that uplift and encourage me and not tear me down. I do have some of those. I remember when I started going to my church. I prayed for some friends. Guess what! God answered that prayer. There is my friend Susan who I have spent a couple of holidays with. Who has helped me out with rides. Who I like to go to Ross with or the Half Price Books clearance sale at Market Hall (two years in a row now). Or Jim and Benji. They let me borrow their car for four months. They took in my three cats and Jim let Ella live after she jumped on his back. There is David who I am getting to know and who did not run away after I told him he was a character in my book. There is Susan who I used to work with and I have spent a Thanksgiving with. I am her translator lol. There are some I have not seen in a while, but they encourage me and pray for me. There is my friend Julie who also helped me with rides (when I had no car) and has helped me out with some money this year when times have been tough. Then there is Jesus. The BEST friend anyone could have. He never leaves me nor forsakes me. He loves me as I am. I am grateful for true friends.

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