Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Story Behind The Great Faith Adventure Part 2

First of all yay! It's Tuesday. I like Tuesday's and Thursday's because I don't have to get up quite as early and I have a nice two hour break between my two classes so I can chill (see beauty of teaching college - don't have work to do in a classroom and I already got everything prepared for the class - just show up and teach).

So I shall pick up where I left off yesterday with my story. I was backtracking. But before I go any further I would like to inform everyone that might drop by that I am listening to Hanson's Mmm Bop....on purpose :) And yep I was in my late 20's/early 30's when I purchased.....on purpose....both Hanson cds. And yep they made a second one :)

So May of 2001 I packed my bags and rather than head west young woman since I already lived west - well I could have headed west to the beach but alas I could not afford it - I headed east first to Oklahoma for the summer. Never speed in Norman, OK - it is speed trap USA (as is Cleburne, TX). So I lived there for the summer with an alumni brother while I worked on getting myself to Texas. I got a job with the Dallas Independent School District and on down to Texas I headed on August 1, 2001. I got a little bit of a rough start - was staying in Waco with my boyfriend (not a good thing - but I was not on a goof path yet I did not realize it at the time) and commuting 1 1/2 hours for new teacher in-service. Thank you Jesus I found a place to live in Dallas with the daughter of one of the teachers doing the inservice before the school year started up. I lived there for a little over a month before I got my own place. She had a greyhound that hated cats and she had not yet cleaned out the second bedroom so me and my two kitties were confined to the living room. Cats wrestle a lot with each other when they are confined to one room so my baby girls were happy to have a place to spread out when we left.

Okay leaving it off here. I have to get to a scootin' even though I am gettin' my groove on to some Brittany Spears You Drive Me Crazy :) Today's video gonna be a fun one :)

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