Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Yay for Jesus!

My apologies for a lack of updates yesterday and the day before. I have been dog/cat/house sitting. Yay for some extra cash - well much needed cash since I have yet to get paid from either college. But that is okay. God is good and God is faithful and He has carried me through what could have easily turned into a difficult and discouraging month for me. Wow! How awesome is our Lord! He continues to help me to trust Him more each day and to build in me a deeper dependence on Him. I love Him so very much for that :) Do you realize that all the bills minus the phone bill and my ticket have been paid. And I have not run out of food or gas :) And I have been able to get to each job and He helped me get a tire off that was not coming off and He has been good to me with some other fun surprises and He is helping me to trust Him in another area :) Yep God is good all the time God is good and faithful even though I do not deserve it.

So on Saturday I had been feeling a little discouraged about something and later when I checked my e-mail I had an e-mail that put a smile on my face and made me so very happy :) It was cute and sweet :) And it motivated me to keep praying about that :) And yesterday I was smiling about it still :) I am not a liberty to say, but Megan knows I think what I am referring to (hey Megan - here's your shout out for the day lol).

Okay today's video is a treat for you. Raise your hand if you knew Switchfoot did a cover of Beyonce's Crazy In Love. I certainly did not. So here ya go:

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