Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fired Up

I am procrastinating, but at least I am in the library whilst I do it. I feel unlike my normal Roo-like self. I feel more like Eeyore today. Not that i am depressed. I am not. It is this stupid sinus stuff. I took some Aleve Cold/Flu stuff last night and then two antihistamines because let's face it unless it's really strong, one won't do it. So now today I am feeling sluggish. And dealing with stuff on the inside, but God is good and He will bring me through this too. I guess you could say I need a revival in my heart and a few days off to rest and spend some time with the Lord.

I did some more reading in the study I have been doing. Still making my way through By Faith: Living in the Certainty of God's Reality. There was some good stuff in there again. When i am home I will have to remember to share what hit me. When i am done I am either going to go through Crazy Love by Francis Chan or pick out one of the Max Lucado books I have - one I won off of KLTY in 2002 woo hoo!!!

On the bright side of the street - I get to do laundry for free today. Gonna get all the yucky towels done that were victims of the Kitchen Flood of '09. I also have been working with my students on career explorations and having a back up plan in case they do not get into the nursing program. I love doing this and they asked if they all wrote me reference letters would they get extra credit lol. Hmmm maybe I should give it some thought.

Okay I finally found a video for today. Fired Up by Petra. Raise your hand if you rushed the stage at the Petra Farewell tour concert *inserts two raised hands*

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